Brewed to be back

Client: Duvel

COVID-19, corona, lockdown: we were all tired of it. What we all wished for: freedom.

And cosy nights in bars, obviously. In May 2020, when the first lockdown was beginning to end, we came up with an idea during lunch and pitched it to Duvel.

They loved it, we made it. And so it happened.

After a long quarantine due to COVID-19, horeca could finally reopen for business.

That’s why we made a 30 second commercial for Duvel with the project name ‘Horeca Comeback’. Duvel was the first beer brand to claim the horeca comeback – and they did it in a strong way.

The video we made and shared on different channels on social media showed hope. Showed joy. And most of all: showed how Duvel as a

brand can’t wait to meet you in the pub again. The message is clear: WE ARE BACK!