Er was eenzzz

Client: Sleepworld & Pelckmans Uitgeverij


On an other rainy day in Belgium we read in the newspapers:

Dropping levels can be explained because Flemish schools invested less time on reading and language than the other countries included in the study. Also Flemish parents admit that they don’t read enough to their kids. Those two elements influence reading levels, because who reads on a daily base scores better than someone who barely or never reads.’

This was our cue to create a pro-active concept for which we teamed up two of our beloved clients, both fit for this challenge: Pelckmans Uitgevers and Sleepworld. First one makes sense. But a mattress retailer? Well yes, because most of the time we read to our children before going to bed. Et voilà, the link was clear and the budget doubled.

Our target group’s to do lists are endless. And now we want them to add ‘reading to their children’ as well. Messaging needs to be fun, no finger pointing, no guilt-feeling. We want to be a partner and enabler. Not only talking but also doing. So we created a platform that enables reading. Every month you receive a free booklet with stories in your mailbox. And every week a kind reminder by e-mail. Every week more tips&tricks. We know the struggle of today’s (plus)moms, (plus)dads and grandparents, we shaped the platform especially for them. Not asking too much – small steps like once a week one ‘reading’ moment – to get started. To maximize reach and registrations we limit thresholds – customer experience is key to obtain our targets on long and short term.

Together with the owned channels of our clients (booth at Boekenbeurs, social media and websites) we managed to reach more than 1 million persons with our message.

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