Show some loof

Client: Vlam

VLAM asked The Other Agency to promote the awareness and mostly sales of endive during the Week van het Witloof (week of endives) from the 1st till the 7th of February.

We quickly discovered that Belgians aren’t that creative when it comes to endive recipes: they know the oven dish with cheese sauce and ham, but that’s about it. That’s why we created seven original endive dishes, from endive pizza to spicy endive pad thai, to inspire our target audience. That way, we can prove why this Belgian vegetable is called the white gold.

The seven recipes, and the endless table of endive dishes we’ve put them on, are promoted via several above and below the line channels. During the Week van het Witloof, a catchy radio ad is running, we’re advertising with video on VRTnu and VTMgo, are on TV behind the pause button, are pushing ads on social media and have posters and recipe booklets available in fish shops and local farm shops. One thing’s for sure: the recipes will make your mouth water!